From Specialist Dilek ÇOBAN
Do Not Ignore the Role of Natural Resources in the Healthy Development of Children!
Problems such as sleep tendency, sleep disorder or excessive insomnia, which we encounter at any time in our lives, can be the precursor of many health problems, especially depression.
Especially, the fact that it causes problems such as slowing of physical activities, feeling without energy, being unable to sleep or sleeping a lot, decreased appetite or desire to eat excessively, sexual reluctance, forgetfulness and difficulty in recovering attention, and this situation causes sub-problems such as obesity, anxiety, chronic fatigue, sexual disorders and sleep problems, reveals that it is an extremely serious disorder.
The Quality of Your Sleep is an Important Criterion for Your Health
Sleepiness, which is a functional process necessary for mental and physical health and covers approximately one-third of life, is very important for health and the continuation of life.
Sleep disorders; Difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, difficulty in waking up frequently or falling asleep after waking up manifest themselves in the form of excessive sleep on the same day and are experienced despite the favorable environment for falling asleep. Sleep problems, which are more common in women than men, may occur as a symptom of psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety, or may manifest as a serious problem alone. There are many physiological and psychological reasons for sleep disorders that negatively affect one's social relations, professional life and psychological well-being. Therapy support and/or pharmacological methods can be used in the treatment.
Natural Mineral Support is Very Important in the Treatment of Psychiatric Diseases
The importance of mineral supplementation in the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders, which are common in patients with psychiatric disorders or can cause various psychiatric disorders if left untreated, is being understood day by day. Research has found that people with sleep problems lack minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium, which are very necessary for life. Critically important sleep disorders can cause serious damage if left untreated. The fact that drug treatment support, one of the treatment methods, is not preferred by most people due to the development of tolerance, also reveals the importance of alternative treatments. Mineral support, which is very useful in terms of improving the quality of life, can be provided with foods that you can add to your daily diet in the most natural way and mineral water that you will regularly consume. These supplements with natural supplements will be effective both in the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders and in the treatment of the underlying disease.
In our book ‘Miracle Drink Mineral Water’, It was compiled from the study titled ‘The Effect of Mineral Water on Psychology’ by Exp. Psychologist Sinem Büşra Bekçi.