From Specialist Dilek ÇOBAN


Although we are the leading country in the geography where the mineral water reserve is located, unfortunately, when we look at the European countries in terms of mineral water consumption, we are far behind. While per capita consumption in Europe is around 100-150 liters, this amount does not exceed 5-10 liters in our country. We have told you many wrongs that are known to be true about mineral water, which is one of the healthy flavors we should include in our lives.


Incorrect: Mineral water and soda are the same thing!

Correct: Mineral water is hot or cold groundwater that is naturally formed in various depths of the earth's crust, under appropriate geological conditions, contains at least 1000 mg/l dissolved minerals and/or trace elements, contains carbon dioxide in its natural structure, comes to the ground by itself or is extracted by technical methods. It is bottled by maintaining its natural structure where it is extracted. Soda is a beverage produced entirely artificially in the facilities; it is obtained by adding carbon dioxide gas to the treated water, it is not natural. It contains only sodium bicarbonate.


Incorrect: Mineral water is an acidic drink.

Correct: On the contrary, mineral water has a bicarbonate content that prevents acid formation in the stomach. Mineral water should be preferred to soothe the stomach, especially in heartburn and souring problems. Unlike the acid in other beverages, carbon dioxide gas is added when the mineral water is only bottled. The main reason for this is to make it easier to drink by suppressing the perception of mineral taste during drinking.

Incorrect: Mineral water is not consumed much.

Correct: While mineral water is consumed as a functional product in Western and Far Eastern countries as an indispensable beverage for health, it is only perceived as a post-meal digestion facilitating beverage in Türkiye. Minerals in mineral water are easily absorbed from the stomach and intestines. Mineral water, which contains very valuable minerals such as magnesium, fluoride, calcium and magnesium, is a serious source of support for individuals who experience the deficiency of these substances in their body. Especially in reducing the cramps common during pregnancy, magnesium, calcium supplements to protect bone health in children, young people and women in menopause are indispensable supporters of our daily lives. The role of mineral water, which is very rich and completely natural in terms of these substances, in meeting your daily fluid needs cannot be ignored.


Incorrect: Children should not drink mineral water.

Correct: When it comes to mineral water, soda comes to mind; as this is a carbonated beverage, it is harmful to children as well as a false opinion. On the contrary, the consumption of natural mineral water containing many useful minerals and trace elements such as zinc, fluoride, calcium, which are needed by children in the age of growth and development, is very important for healthy development. Bone health with calcium containing mineral water is a natural resource that can be supported for oral and dental health with the fluoride it contains. In addition, if children are given the habit of drinking natural mineral water instead of carbonated drinks, the risks of dental caries can be reduced as well as protecting their bone health.


Incorrect: Mineral water should not be consumed during pregnancy.

Correct: On the contrary, mineral water is a good supplement to meet the minerals needed by the mother and baby during pregnancy. In addition to external magnesium supplements, it is also recommended to drink mineral water containing magnesium, which is one of the natural minerals, especially in the treatment of cramps caused by magnesium deficiency.


Incorrect: Mineral water damages the skin.

Correct: The minerals needed by our skin, which is the largest organ of our body, contain natural mineral waters. The way to have a healthy and shiny skin is to consume fluids that are rich in natural minerals that your body needs. Especially in recent years, with the increase in the tendency to nature, natural mineral water has started to be used in many cosmetic and beauty products.


Although we are the leading country in the geography where the mineral water reserve is located, unfortunately, when we look at the European countries in terms of mineral water consumption, we are far behind.

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