Surface waters such as rain and snow water leak deep into the rocks' crevices and cracks, resulting in natural mineral water after a long journey of 10 years to 100 years.

Water with a mineral ratio above 1000mg/L is called mineral water.

There are 225 mineral water sources in Türkiye.

While annual mineral water consumption in Europe is 150 liters per person, it is approximately 5 liters in Türkiye
National Mineral Water Congress
At the National Mineral Water Congress, which will be held for the second time this year with the e-conference method in cooperation with Kızılay Beverage, Kızılay Academy and Marmara University, Türkiye's mineral waters will be discussed in all dimensions. Scientific presentations will be made on dozens of issues such as the use of mineral water in gastronomy, mineral water psychology, mineral water cardiology, and the relationship between mineral water and elder age.
The date will be announced soon

Miracle Beverage Mineral Water Book
You can get more detailed information about natural mineral water by downloading the Miracle Beverage Mineral Water book carefully prepared by experts about the journey of natural mineral water from the past to the present, mineral water map and its features compared to the regions in Türkiye, its positive effects on human health, cosmetic applications of mineral water, the importance of mineral water in the nutrition of children and sportsmen and its use in kitchens.